Your worth comes from your existence, not your actions.
No one like you has ever existed before, not exactly. You are the result of millions of years, billions of lives, uncountably many hookups and histories and hands held to bring forwards the future. No one else has had the same route to existence as you have.
No one else has been raised in exactly the same way you have; even siblings have had different experiences, seen the same events from a different point of the room. Your identical twin spiraled into their own life through fractal changes that created an entirely different person. Your path through life is wholly unique, shaped by people who’ve had as unique a path to existence as you have.
When you die, no one else will ever exist with the exact same path into and through life as you have. You are the only person that will ever live with your exact history and perspective.
That is why you have worth. Your worth can never be taken away from you; it is woven into every fiber of your existence, whether you want it to be there or not.